Turnaround time is approx 14 working days at the moment, thank you! Leah x

Shopping small, a letter from me

Dear customers and friends,

I hope you're all well and surviving 2020. I certainly can't wait for a bit of Christmas magic to finish it all off. I won't waffle for long, just for a couple of minutes to thank you all and explain why shopping small is so important this Christmas.

Every single year of me being self employed, I've always looked towards October and November to be my big earning months. This year, with no physical markets (bearing in mind I earned HALF my income last year in these months because of markets) I thought I was doomed for autumn/winter 2020...

But, thanks to you all, this has been THE YEAR for small business success.

I've done as well if not better than last year, and I've not been cold once! Bonus!

I bought the same amount of stock and more, despite not having anywhere to take and show it. I bought a new website, I designed and bought so many new designs and homewares. I stuck to my guns and spent just about every penny I had spare on stock. And my gosh, it's been worth it.

I've totted up over 200 hours of packing this last 5 weeks. That's just me and I've often got Mum, Dad and Piers involved too (Otto isn't much help I've realised). Thats a lot. I won't want to wrap anyones presents this Christmas!

We learn and we grow through everything. But I know I can speak on behalf of every single small business owner this year when I say THANK YOU for keeping us afloat, thriving and surviving. I've worked harder than ever before, and it's all down to you. 

All my love,

Leah x